The APR is the annual percentage rate of your Vault. This percentage can be increased by exchanging your $DMS.
As soon as the Vault is minted it starts with a default basic APR of 5%.
During the minting phase, you can increase your Vault’s APR by exchanging 8 $DMS for every extra 1% APR up to a maximum of 440 $DMS for a 60% APR.
You can boost your Vault only upon minting, not after that.
E.g., if you have 12 $DMS, you can:
mint a VaultNFT with 4 $DMS
boost your APR by +1% APR with extra 8 $DMS
If you have 36 $DMS, you can mint a Vault with +9% APR (4 cards for minting + 32 cards for boosting APR).
Last updated